I’m Rachel Beal, the new Program Assistant for the Petroleum Engineering department. I consider myself a lifelong learner and appreciate the value and impact of higher education. I’m from Seattle, and previously worked at Gonzaga and Whitworth University, prior to making my way to Mines. I attended the University of Alaska Fairbanks on a swim scholarship, then received my Master’s in Communication at Gonzaga. A fun tidbit about me, is I went to undergrad at Fairbanks off of a swimming scholarship and up there the Pipeline rules, thus the Oil and Gas industry. Coincidently, I have several connections with old college friends who ended up in this field. 

Mines is a unique University with high standards, though the Petroleum Engineering department seems to one-up those expectations. I admire the students’ passion for this field, their willingness to help each other and build community. I often ask them random trivial questions and they are eager to reply. I was most impressed with the department and how they help prepare students for their futures. I send out the Daily Barrel and there are always scholarships, internships and other career opportunities plugged in there, a resource I wish I had when I was a student. I also had the pleasure of tagging along with the Sophomore class last May to Midland, Texas for their first Field Session. There I was able to connect some dots between the chatter and the real thing, I also decided that being a Fisher would be a great hypothetical job for me. Additionally, I went to New Orleans, for ATCE this year and due to my prior experience in higher ed, this conference put perspective on how unique and future focused this degree program is. 

Details I have learned and that have stuck with me since I started working in the Petro department are that Frac sites can be quiet, all the folks on drilling rigs aren’t all engineers, the Oil and Gas community is small so good first impressions go a long way, and Colorado’s Geography is not only beautiful but multi-faceted. 

I recently re-located from Denver to Golden, primarily to be rid of the commute and terrible drivers.  Outside of work, I enjoy going to Avs and Rockies games, trying new workout classes, going to Red Rocks concerts, and walking the many trails of Golden (even the hike up to the M).  I am grateful to be a part of the office team and learn about this study along the way.