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In the past year we have had the opportunity to host several short courses on a variety of topics covering everything from economic data management to processing equipment training. Nearly 100 students participated from across all class levels with about a third being seniors and the rest graduates and the undergraduate classes.


Hydraulic Fracture Modeling

Taught by: Jiayao (J.Y.) Deng, Dante Guerra
Date: 09/29 – 09/30 2022

The course was split into two days. The large part of the course concentrates on briefly reviewing the basics of fracturing application as applied via the gridded fracture geometry simulators included in StimPlan™.


Principles of Separation

Taught by: Kyle Andrews
Date: 10/28 – 10/29 2022

The Kimray short course consisted of production and process equipment training for separators, heater treaters, compressors and gas dehydration units as well as other processes and controls. Kimray products and the applications they are used in will also be a focus of the training. It was a high-level overview of upstream oil and gas production.


Reserves Assessment and Economic Evaluations

Taught by: Dean Murphy
Date: 11/04 – 11/05 2022

This short course was designed for engineers with an interest in asset development, energy economics, reserves, and decline curve forecasting. Course materials focus on practical applications of ComboCurve to create realistic asset evaluations and field development projects that can be added to a professional portfolio.


The Strong Link between Production and Reservoir Engineering

Taught by: Bill O’Brien
Date: 02/03 – 02/04 2023

This was a hands-on workshop designed to introduce the students to Petroleum Experts’ software:  PROSPER and MBAL. This software is widely used by national and international oil companies including several independent oil and gas companies.