External Awards

Congratulations to Dr. Pejman Tahmasebi for receiving the Interpore Award for Porus Research!

Data Science and Engineering Analytics – Serveh Kamrava, Colorado School of Mines

Reservoir Description and Dynamics – Luis E. Zerpa, Colorado School of Mines

Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty – Pejman Tahmasebi, Colorado School of Mines
Mines Internal 2022-2023 Awards

Congratulations to Dr. Yilin Fan for receiving the fall 2022 Enger Teaching Award!

Congratulations to Dr. Mansur Ermila for winning the 2022-2023 Outstanding Faculty for PE Award! This award was voted on by all the graduating seniors in PE.

Congratulations to Dr. Jennifer Miskimins for receiving the spring 2023 Enger Teaching Award!